We often speak with families who are making decisions for their loved ones, and educate them on their options for end-of-life care. When the topic of hospice comes up, it’s often met with [...]
Chico, CA, August 9 – Butte Hospice has been recognized by Strategic Healthcare Programs (SHP) as a “Superior Performer” for achieving an overall caregiver and family satisfaction score that [...]
Chico, CA, August 24 – Butte Hospice has been recognized by Strategic Healthcare Programs (SHP) as a “Superior Performer” for achieving an overall caregiver and family satisfaction score that [...]
A Chaplain in hospice care serves as a spiritual caregiver for patients, families, and staff members. Their role is to provide emotional and spiritual counsel to those who are confronting [...]
The ultimate goal of medical treatment is to end pain and suffering. Typically, this means treating the disease or injury and helping the patient return to normal activities. However, when [...]
Hospice in the spotlight, thanks for former President Carter If you follow the news, you might be aware that former President Jimmy Carter recently elected Hospice Care at home. This was [...]
For many of us, broaching the topic of hospice care is challenging. There may be a fear of destroying hope or dealing with the emotional response of the family or loved ones. However, hospice is [...]
Dr. Aldebra Schroll recently sat down with us and discussed the difficulties of caregiving alone and how hospice can help support families. “The first person you care for is yourself,” states Dr. [...]
At Butte Hospice one of our goals is to educate and raise awareness of the importance of hospice care. However, deciding when it’s time for hospice is the most difficult challenge. When making [...]
Death is a part of life but life doesn’t have to feel like death for those living with terminal illness. Because of unfortunate myths about hospice, many people don’t take advantage of these [...]