Many people have misconceptions about what hospice care is and is not. Hospice provides specialized care that addresses the unique needs of a patient facing the end of life. The focus is on [...]
Hospice provides continuing contact and support for caregivers for at least a year following the death of a loved one. Most hospices also sponsor bereavement groups and support for anyone in the [...]
Hospice patients are cared for by a team of physicians, nurses, social workers, counselors, hospice aides, therapists and volunteers. Each skilled professional provides assistance based on his or [...]
In the early weeks of care, it’s usually not necessary for someone to be with the patient all the time. Later, however, based upon the changing needs of the patient, hospice generally recommends [...]
Yes. If the patient’s condition improves and or the patient plateaus, the patient can be graduated off of hospice services. If the discharged patient should later need to return to hospice care, [...]
Hospice care is provided wherever the patient resides. This could be in their own home, a family members home, an assisted living facility or a skilled nursing facility. Hospice care is here to [...]
Hospice staff receives special training to care for all types of physical and emotional symptoms that cause pain, discomfort and distress. Hospice care specializes in pain and symptom management. [...]
At Butte Hospice, we are a local nonprofit hospice agency and are Medicare certified, so hospice services are completely covered under the patient’s Medicare benefit which means hospice services [...]
Hospice care can be initiated by anyone calling into our hospice agency to seek information. A formal request or “referral” should be made by the patient’s doctor, but a community educator can [...]